Meet Simon, Summer Worker at Site Perstorp

Every summer Perstorp offers summer jobs to students, where they can expand their theoretical knowledge with practical work experience. Meet Simon Gustafsson, who worked as a Warehouse Coordinator at Site Perstorp during the summer 2019.

“Hello, my name is Simon, I am 20 years old and having a summer job here at Site Perstorp this summer has been perfect, as I will begin my studies as an electric engineer this fall. As a Warehouse Coordinator, the tasks differs and every day is different. A typical day includes everything from administration behind the screen, checking, controlling and labeling pallets in the warehouses and driving between the different warehouses. 

When starting as a summer worker at Site Perstorp, you get a very thorough introduction to the company, the site and the safety rules. Safety is very important here at Perstorp, since the site is a production area with many chemical substances. All summer workers got a tour of the site and some Perstorp history, fire drill and CPR training, basic ergonomics and how to work safely with machines and technical equipment as well as personal protective gear. It also covered psychosocial aspects such as stress, wellbeing and potential challenges you might face as young and new at a workplace. 

Every day I meet a lot of interesting people here at Perstorp. There are many different roles and competences represented at the site: specialists within chemistry, lab staff, engineers, controllers, technicians - well, you name a role and it will most likely be one around! As a student and summer worker it is also a great opportunity to be introduced to different roles and to learn about the responsibilities they have. And it is a great way to meet new friends: we are almost 80 summer workers this year! 

Working as a Warehouse Coordinator at Perstorp is not only about products, pallets and goods in the warehouse. When working at the Perstorp Site, you work in a place where products that has had a big impact in history has been invented. This is where the first Perstorp acids were produced and where plastics has its roots. The industry park is a huge area with lots of green areas, a small river running through and you can really feel the wings of history, when you walk around in the park.

For me an exciting summer has now come to an end. A summer from which I take away great learnings about the supply chain business, knowledge about the chemical industry and many new friends. Now it is time for me to move on to Halmstad and a new beginning studying to become an electric engineer.”

Simon Gustafsson, Warehouse Coordinator at Site Perstorp 2019

Interested in becoming a summer worker at Perstorp? Apply for a summer job at Site Perstorp already now, deadline March 15th (in Swedish)


Karin Bertilsson

HR Manager, Site Perstorp

+46 435 788 904

Contact me

Karin Bertilsson

HR Manager, Site Perstorp

+46 435 788 904

Contact me