World Cleanup Day 2018 breaking records

World Cleanup Day – a global initiative to clean up the nature around us – took place September 15th. This year the movement broke the records for number of countries and people joining the initiative.

World Cleanup Day included participation from more than 150 countries, 15 million participants, volunteers and partners from all around the world, all joining to clean up our nature, making the initiative the biggest waste collection day in human history. You can read more about the impact of the World Cleanup Day 2018 here>>

At Perstorp, we believe this is a great initiative, hence we encouraged all of you as well as our employees to join the initiative, to help clean up our nature. We were very happy to see that Perstorpers joined the initiative along with millions around the globe, making the world a cleaner place! 

Thank you to all who joined World Cleanup Day 2018! 


Malin Johansson, Corporate Communications Manager at Perstorp, cleaning up with her two children, at World Cleanup Day

Malin Johanson_kids at World Cleanup DayWorld Cleanup Day - car with bags

Sarah Bauer, Information Support at Perstorp, cleaning up with her daughter, at World Cleanup Day

Sarah Bauer - Wold Cleanup DaySarah Bauer World Cleanup Day after

Malin Johansson

Marketing Communications Manager

+46 40 635 88 44

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Malin Johansson

Marketing Communications Manager

+46 40 635 88 44

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