How to lower the climate impact of plastic materials?
In September, Lund University facilitated a panel discussion with the theme “Lowering the climate impact of plastic materials”. Perstorp’s Linda Zellner, Director Innovation, participated in the panel to discuss the issues hereof.
The panel represented both researchers from Lund University and EIT Climate-KIC Flagship program eCircular, together with industry representatives e.g. Perstorp. During the discussion, issues such as how can plastic be used better as a resource, what are the challenges of replacing fossil-based plastics and which role does digitalization play in the debate?
The panel consisted of:
Alberto Bellini, Associate Professor, University of Bologna
Holger Berg, Project Lead, Wuppertal Institute
Rajni Hatti-Kaul, Professor, Lund University
Linda Zellner, Director Innovation, Perstorp AB
Pau Huguet Ferran, Sustainability Lead Spain, Ecomatters
Peter Andersson, Managing Director, General Plastics Scandinavia
Moderator: Prof. Lars J Nilsson, Lund University
You can watch the full panel discussion below or on YouTube>>