showing 69 result(s)
22 June 2021
Estrategias para mejorar la higiene y seguridad en la cadena alimentaria
Controlar los riesgos y factores de contaminación es una tarea difícil ya que estos se encuentran a lo largo de todo el proceso de producción en la cadena alimentaria. Debemos tomar medidas para garantizar un buen desempeño de los animales que se traduce en proteína animal de alta calidad.
Animal Nutrition, Feed hygiene
22 June 2021
Best practices to improve feed hygiene and food safety
Controlling the risks and factors of contamination is a very difficult task since these are found throughout the entire food production process. We must take steps to ensure good animal performance which translates into high-quality animal protein.
Animal Nutrition, Feed hygiene
27 April 2021
Managing gut health through nutrition
Join expert speakers in this one hour webinar about how to manage gut health through nutrition.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
25 March 2021
The impact of gut integrity on broiler performance
Dr. Anna Arczewska -Włosek - a long-term researcher at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science at the National Research Institute of Animal Production in Krakow shared her vision on broiler performance including the role of triglycerides of butyric acid.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
25 March 2021
Wpływ integralności jelit na wyniki produkcyjne brojlerów
Dr Anna Arczewska-Włosek - wieloletni pracownik naukowy Zakładu Żywienia Zwierząt i Paszoznawstwa Instytutu Zootechniki PIB w Krakowie podzieli się swoją wizją dotyczącą wpływu zdrowych jelit na wyniki produkcyjne brojlerów, w tym roli trójglicerydów kwasu masłowego.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
17 March 2021
Poultry World webinar on Poultry Health and Nutrition
Poultry World organized a global webinar about Poultry Health and Nutrition on March 17th, 2021.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health, Feed hygiene
26 February 2021
Management strategies to improve swine welfare
European Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law, Ms. Déborah Temple, and Perstorp Perstorp Global Technical Manager Sofia Rengman shared their visions on the welfare and management of swine in this 1 hour webinar.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
10 February 2021
Water quality: essential for optimal gut health
Dr. Susan Watkins, a leading expert on evaluating and improving drinking water quality for poultry production, shared her expertise and vision on best practices and constructive solutions for water management to ensure healthy growth and productivity of poultry.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
29 January 2021
Production management strategies to improve poultry welfare
European Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law, Ms. Déborah Temple, and Perstorp Gut Health specialist Jeroen Pos share their visions on the welfare and management of poultry in this 1 hour webinar.
Animal Nutrition, Gut health
24 November 2020
Global Animal Protein Industry Outlook 2021: Winning strategies in challenging COVID-19 and ASF times
Find out what the future has in store for the global meat production industry. With facts and thorough analysis of the Rabobank research reports, Mr. Nan Dirk Mulder, Senior Global Specialist Animal Protein presented his views on the best strategies for multiple regions. Watch this 1 hour presentation about the global animal protein outlook 2021. Increase your knowledge to help you maximize your profit in the animal protein industry, and sign up here!
Animal Nutrition