Verdis Polaris™ withstands the coldest winter

One way to quickly increase the share of biofuel used in the transport sector is to blend biodiesel made from rapeseed oil – RME - into regular diesel. Since 2006 up to five percents of the Swedish diesel consists of biodiesel. Until this fall blending large amounts of biodiesel into diesel has been problematic during wintertime - especially in the northernmost parts of Sweden – as oil companies have experienced cold property problems. 

Premium green winter fuel
A substantial share of the biodiesel used in Scandinavia comes from Perstorp.

“In order to be able to offer something that also works north of the city of Gävle, we have developed Polaris VerdisTM, a premium fuel of extremely high quality that meets and exceeds the requirements of the oil companies,” says Tomas Hagström, Director Sales and Marketing of Perstorp BioProducts.

The requirements were toughened after a few cars had experienced problems with clogged filters in biting cold weather. Last winter no biodiesel at all was low blended in the northern regions – a challenge that Perstorp BioProducts responded to with Verdis Polaris™, which have been used with good results since this fall.

“The oil companies really appreciate our high quality, says Tomas Hagström. “In the future we expect them to blend in a higher percentage, which means the quality requirements for biodiesel will be even higher. When that happens we will be one step ahead of our competitors.”

Brief facts
RME is produced by Perstorp BioProducts in three qualities:
- The European standard, EN 14214 
- A Swedish standard that is suitable for the Swedish diesel and has higher quality requirements 
- Verdis Polaris™, that has lower contents of water and monoglycerids, which makes it even more suitable for a cold climate

Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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