Antibiotic reduction for swine

Antibiotics are undoubtedly one of mankind’s most valuable discovery. They help us - and farm animals - to fight diseases caused by bacterial pathogens. They also improve the growth performance of animals. We depend on them so much that antibiotic resistance is one of this century’s biggest concerns for our species.

Our portfolio contains many solutions that can help to realize antibiotic free swine production. You can find more information about antibiotic reduction, antibiotic resistance and alternative approaches below.

No Antibiotics Ever Webinar

'No Antibiotics Ever' is the highest standard of antibiotic reduction in animal production. Pig Progress organized a webinar where 3 experts offered their perspectives on NAE. Watch the webinar >>

Webinar ‘No antibiotics ever’ in pig production

Antimicrobial resistance infographic

Antimicrobial resistance threatens our way of life as we know it. How badly? And what are the reasons? Find some data in this INFOGRAPHIC (PDF)>>
Antibiotic resistance infographic

Gut Health & Feed Hygiene: 2 steps closer to NAE

To achieve the goal of no antibiotics ever, the industry needs to look at all areas of the production system. Gut health and feed hygiene are key drivers to optimize health and nutrition while reducing exposure to pathogens. Read the article>>


illustration of Antibiotics

Interview with Roger Mann

Antibiotic resistance will be one of the greatest threats to our health in 2048. By then it could cause more casualties than cancer. More than enough reason for Perstorp to further invest in solutions based on (esters of) organic acids, an area with incredible potential. Read the full interview >>
A portrait photo of Roger Mann new EVP Perstorp Animal Nutrition

Gut Health: the key to good performance

Not long ago, antibiotics were not just used to treat diseases, but also to improve performance. Nowadays most countries have restricted the use of antibiotics to prevent resistance. Gut health is the new key to good performance. Read the article >>

Illustration of a green key

The changing landscape or gut health

“Intestinal health is a hot topic, not only in the animal feed industry but in all links the animal production chain, from the plants right up to the human consumers”, says Richard Ducatelle, head of the laboratory of veterinary pathology at Ghent University in Belgium. He gives us insight into the world of gut health. Read the full interview >>
Rooster standing in front of a yellow landscape