Design classic from Perstorp has been registered as Applied Art©

Svensk Form (the Swedish Society of Crafts and Design) has commented on the popular plastic bag designed by Perstorp in the 1950s. The opinion committee, which consists of both lawyers and designers, considers that the bag is so original and distinctive that it thereby enjoys copyright protection as an article of Applied Art©.

The plastic bag was created by Perstorp in the 1950s under the official name “Shopping bag 329”. The bag quickly became popular as a versatile and practical bag in the households and to carry home goods in. However, the production was stopped in the 1960s when food stores began distributing free plastic bags. In 2006, Karin Bachstätter, great-grandchild of Perstorp’s founder Wilhelm Wendt, had the idea to start producing new bags.

“As long as I can remember, my family and I have used these versatile bags. When I moved away from home, I wanted to have my own bags, but since the production had been closed for a long time we started to produce them again. To our great joy, it was not just our family that was in need of the bags - and today we sell Hinza bags in design and interior design stores around the world,” says Karin Bachstätter, CEO of Hinza AB.

The fact that Svensk Forms Opinionsnämnd considers “Shopping bag 329” to have the originality required to obtain copyright protection as a work of Applied Art© has today been celebrated at Plastens Hus in Perstorp, when Perstorp AB signatory Mikael Gedin formally transferred the rights to the bag to Karin Bachstätter’s company Hinza AB.

“It is with great pride that we today handed over our rights for Shopping Bag 329 to Hinza AB. We look forward to seeing Karin and Hinza AB take on this proud part of our history into the future,” says Mikael Gedin, EVP People & Culture and CEO Office at Perstorp.
The Hinza bag with the official name “Shopping bag 329”
At Plastens Hus in Perstorp: Karin Bachstätter, VD at Hinza AB, and Mikael Gedin, VD at Perstorp AB and EVP People & Culture and CEO Office för Perstorp Group.

Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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