Shifting to biogas makes remarkable reductions of greenhouse gas emissions
When 10 TWh of biogas replaces 10 TWh of natural gas, climate emissions are reduced by 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents. This is roughly equivalent to the carbon dioxide emissions from the entire aviation sector in Sweden, both domestic and international. Technically, it is simple to switch from natural gas to biogas, as it is the same molecule but with a different origin. Therefore, biogas can replace a fossil natural gas molecule on a 1-to-1 basis.
Biogas – a circular process revolutionizing the industry
In Sweden, where two of Perstorp’s largest production plants is located, biogas is produced from waste and by-products such as manure or food waste. It is a circular process where waste becomes raw material or fuel for industry, and the nutrients in the digestate become biofertilizer for agriculture.
Significantly increased demand for biogas in Sweden
Our assessment is that the industry's demand for biogas alone by 2030 will be 10 TWh, and that the need will continue to increase thereafter. The total demand is estimated to be around 15-20 TWh by 2030. Today, just over 2 TWh of biogas is produced in Sweden, and an additional 2TWh is imported. Production needs to increase at least fivefold to 10 TWh by 2030, and then continue to rise significantly.
Leading innovation and technology towards a sustainable future is important for Perstorp
As a founding partner of Biogaskomissionen, Perstorp actively raise awarenss and advocating political measures needed for rapid increase of national production of biogas as well as for making it available at an affordable cost for the industry.
Additionally, a biogas plant will be planned at the Perstorp industrial site in Perstorp. The facility, built and operated by Biokraft, will produce 130 GWh of biomethane annually and is scheduled to be operational by 2027.
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