Prepared for the worst - movie illustrates routines in emergencies
The movie “The Nation’s Preparedness – hazardous substances emergencies” gives an insight to how incidents involving hazardous substances are dealt with in Sweden. The movie is made on behalf of the Collaboration Forum for Hazardous Substances (SOFÄ), and parts of it are filmed at our production unit in Perstorp.
The purpose of the movie is to shed light on how Sweden is prepared for incidents involving hazardous substances. The movie is fictional and depicts what happens when a dam close to a chemical plant bursts.
The film is produced by MSB, Swedish Armed Forces, Swedish Coast Guard, Swedish Board of Agriculture, Swedish Board of Health and Welfare and TakeOff AB on behalf of the Collaboration Forum for Hazardous Substances (SOFÄ).
Several parts of the movie are filmed at our production unit in Perstorp. The fire department based by our unit in Perstorp is specialized to deal with incidents involving chemical and hazardous substances – and they have a vital role in the movie as well.
Take a look at the movie below! (The movie is also available in Swedish here>>)