Keeping up the good work - second round of PPS reviews conducted
During a couple of weeks, corporate PPS reviews have been carried out at our production sites in Perstorp and Stenungsund. This is the second round of “external” reviews since our partner was phased out. The reviews are conducted by people from other sites – Stenungsund reviewing Perstorp and the other way around.
PPS - Perstorp Performance System – is the Group’s methodology for continuous improvement.
“The purpose of the PPS reviews is to give feedback, open up for discussion, coach each other and learn from each other – sharing best practice. The goal is to create a sustainable Perstorp Performance System”, says Magnus Wickman, PPS Specialist at Site Perstorp.
Håkan Kihlberg, PPS Director, is very pleased with this round of PPS reviews:
“The reviews in both Stenungsund and Perstorp have gone very well. It is an acknowledgment that the PPS work is continuing and improving even though our partner is phased out”. He continues:
“But it is also obvious that the corporate PPS review is necessary to help the sites keep full steam in the continuous improvement of their operation”.
PPS review at Site Stenungsund
The PPS review team from Site Perstorp consisted of Magnus Wickman, Daniel Hansson, Håkan Kihlberg, Eva Walter and Mikael Ekblad.
During the two review days most of the pillars at Site Stenungsund had the opportunity to present how much their PPS work had developed since the last visit in May, earlier this year. The review team visited for example the maintenance department, the Oxo plant and Esters and Phthalic anhydride plant.
“We received a lot of positive feedback for our development with PPS since the visit in May – especially for how well our goals are connected from site level to the departments and pillars”, says Johan Stalfors, PPS Specialist at Site Stenungsund.
PPS review at Site Perstorp
The four reviewers from Stenungsund were Christer Andersson, Johan Stalfors, Roger Wedin, and Monica Edvardsson. Johan and Roger took the opportunity to visit the Penta/Acids plant.
On the department review of Penta/Acids some of the topics were new measurements and risk reduction in the plant. Presentations were followed by an appreciated plant tour, where the improvements were visible “for real”.
“I’m impressed with the safety improvements they have done. We will in fact bring some of the things back with us to Stenungsund to implement them there as well”, Johan Stalfors says.