Meet Perstorp at Scanpack!

Perstorp will be exhibiting at Scanpack 20-23 of October 2015. As earlier announced, we are stepping up our presence in the packaging industry. Project Leader Linda Zellner will be giving a presentation about Capa™ for Bioplastics and the advantages of these products in bioplastic packaging applications.

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet Linda Zellner and hear more about the latest investments in bioplastics and how these products can make your packaging solutions even more competitive.

Read more about our latest investments, our new pilot plant and the focus areas in bioplastics in our previous press release material.

Looking forward seeing you at Scanpack!
More about our focus in bioplastics>>

Read the newsflash in Swedish>>

Linda Zellner

VP Innovation, Strategic Markets

+46 435 382 91

Contact me

Linda Zellner

VP Innovation, Strategic Markets

+46 435 382 91

Contact me