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18 October 2023
Perstorp strengthens its sustainable offerings with 100% renewable based 2-Ethylhexanol
Leading specialty chemicals innovator Perstorp has launched a new grade of 2-Ethylhexanol (2-EH), now available with 100% renewable, traceable mass-balanced carbon content. When including the biogenic CO2 uptake absorbed by the renewable raw materials used, the product has a negative carbon footprint cradle to Perstorp gate. Developed based on both physical and chemical traceability, 2-EH Pro 100 is designed to minimize the carbon footprint throughout the value chain, while supporting sustainable sourcing of renewable and recycled raw materials.
Press Release
Perstorp, Pro-Environment, Products, Sustainability
18 October 2023
スペシャリティケミカルのリーディングイノベーターであるパーストープは、追跡可能なバランスに基づき、100% 再生可能な新グレードの2-エチルヘキサノール (2-EH) を発売しました。本製品は、使用される再生可能原料によって吸収される、生物起源のCO2吸収量を考慮すると、パーストープゲートまでの二酸化炭素排出量がマイナスになります。物理的および化学的トレーサビリティの両方に基づいて開発された 2-EH Pro 100は、再生可能およびリサイクル原料の持続可能な調達をサポートしながら、バリューチェーン全体で二酸化炭素排出量を最小限に抑えるように設計されています。
Press Release
Perstorp, Pro-Environment, Products, Sustainability
14 September 2023
Perstorp unveils new drop-in replacements for a low-emission future of synthetic polyol esters
Leading specialty chemicals innovator Perstorp has launched new grades for carboxylic acids which are now available with 100% renewable, traceable mass balanced content and the market’s lowest product carbon footprint.
Press Release
Pro-Environment polyols, Polyol ester, Sustainability, Pro-Environment, Products
14 September 2023
Press Release
Pro-Environment polyols, Polyol ester, Sustainability, Pro-Environment, Products
13 June 2023
Project Air granted environmental permit
The Land and Environment Court at Vänersborg District Court in Vänersborg, Sweden, has granted a changed environmental permit for Perstorp´s chemical plant in Stenungsund to allow for the production of more sustainable methanol. Perstorp sought the changed permit to enable the implementation of its Project Air initiative, due to be commissioned at the end of 2026. The permit also includes construction and operation of an electrolysis plant for the production of hydrogen.
Press Release
Perstorp, Sustainability
13 June 2023
Project Airが環境許可取得
スウェーデンのヴェーネルスボリ地方裁判所の土地環境裁判所は、ステヌングスンドにあるパーストープの化学工場に対し、より持続可能なメタノールを製造するため、環境許可証の変更を認めました。パーストープは、2026年末に稼働予定のProject Airイニシアチブの実施を可能にするために、許可証の変更を求めていました。この許可には、水素製造のための電解プラントの建設と運営も含まれています。
Press Release
Perstorp, Sustainability
03 May 2023
Actionable plans in place for reaching Perstorp 2030 sustainability targets
Sustainable solutions provider Perstorp has turned its ambitious sustainability targets for 2030 into actionable roadmaps on the corporate level as well as for each of its production plants, outlining hands-on activities to lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, save fresh water and enable sustainable transformation throughout the value chain.
Press Release
Perstorp, Sustainability
03 May 2023
Perstorp 2030サステイナビリティ目標達成に向けた実行可能な計画
Press Release
Perstorp, Sustainability
23 March 2023
Perstorp strengthens its sustainable offerings with world’s first 100% renewable-based polyols with negative carbon footprint
Leading specialty chemicals innovator Perstorp has launched new grades for two base polyols that are now available with 100% renewable, mass-balanced carbon content.
Press Release
Pro-Environment polyols, Sustainability
23 March 2023
Press Release
Pro-Environment polyols, Sustainability