Interview with Frank Blom
Interview with Frank Blom
Could you please introduce yourself?
Frank Blom, EHSQ manager Perstorp Waspik. I am married and have 2 children. A son of 25 years and a daughter of 23 years old. I like sports: I swim and play tennis and hockey every week. I played hockey at a high level for 10 years and later on I was coach of several teams in which my children played. I studied chemical engineering and have several certificates for the branches in which I worked.
Where did you work before your current position?
I started at Philip Morris as supervisor of a chemical section leading ten people at the laboratory for incoming tobacco flavors and the final product control of cigarettes (nicotine and tar). After five years I started working at Fuji in a pilot plant and production of photographic paper. Then I worked for a printing office where cigarette boxes where printed and Philip Morris was a customer. My last job before joining Perstorp was at Kerry, a producer of food ingredients. All jobs were EHSQ related.
What do you like about your job?
The challenge of producing high quality products in a safe, efficient and sustainable way with room for customer specific requirements.
What kind of goals do you want to achieve with Perstorp?
For site Waspik I want to achieve a high level of safety awareness under the employees and further implement the Perstorp Performance System to remain an innovative, reliable and responsible partner for feed additives.
Could you tell us something about the industry you are in and how you see its future?
We play an essential role in the feed and food market with our innovative products.
How can we make sure that we can still feed the growing world population in 30 years?
It is important to optimize animal production and by means of safe, healthy and sustainable processes. I like that our products are an efficient tool to make this happen.
Do you have a question for the next person we will interview for this newsletter?
What role does sustainability play in your organization?