Perstorpers coping with COVID-19 across the world: Sweden
The COVID-19 virus has impacted everybody’s reality. But the effects differ across the world and we each cope with it differently. That’s why we talked to some of our colleagues around the world about what impact they felt and how they are coping with it. This time we visit Torgny Strobeck, Process Operator at our site in Perstorp, Sweden.
Since 2000 Torgny has been working at Site Perstorp in Sweden and today he is not only fulfilling the position as Process Operator but also work with the safety on site. “At the site in Perstorp I am also the Principal Safety Representative, hence spending a lot of time taking care of the safety on the site,” adds Torgny.
With health and safety as top priority, Torgny and the rest of the team at Site Perstorp have been taken measures along the way to cope with the COVID-19 situation, while implementing concrete actions at the site. “Working on site, there is a lot of focus on COVID-19. For example, we have built up a zone system, to make sure that we always keep safe distance while working. Even for us who are working outside on the site, it is a very simple thing to do, to ensure that we keep our distance there,” says Torgny.
Working with safety on a daily basis, Torgny has felt the effects of the virus outbreak but also seen how teamwork and personal responsibility truly makes a difference. Torgny explains, “As a safety worker, I must say, that only together we can built up a good network around COVID-19. Everybody are really taking this very seriously and always do their best to create a safe work environment.”