International Year of the Periodic Table: Perstorp sponsors school competition
This year, it is 150 years ago since the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev published the first version of the Periodic Table. Mendeleev’s work is regarded as one of the most remarkable achievements in science, capturing the essence not only of chemistry, but also of physics and biology.
To celebrate this, UNESCO and the UN General Assembly have proclaimed 2019 to be the International Year of the Periodic Table. At Perstorp we are joining the celebrations by being one of the sponsors behind a school competition in Sweden, where pupils in different ages are creating videos to capture the basic elements in chemistry. The finals will be held during the last weekend of September and the winner will be announced during the day of the Chemistry (“Kemins Dag”) on October 18th. Vote for your favorite finalists now.
The organizations administrating the competition is ForskarFredag (a part of European Researcher’s night), IKEM (Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden), Kemilärarnas resurscentrum (KRC), the Swedish National committee for Chemistry and the Swedish Chemical Society.
We are very happy to be a part of this competition and we look forward to celebrate the International Year of the Periodic Table during 2019.
Keep an eye on our channels, where the celebration of the Periodic Table will continue throughout the year!
Vote for your favorite finalists here
Read more about the school competition here
Read more about the International Year of the Periodic table here