Charlotta Fellman among 100 women highlighted by Swedish Chamber of Commerce

Charlotta Fellman among 100 women highlighted by Swedish Chamber of Commerce

More women are needed in Board of Directors, within national and international companies. Therefore, Handelskammaren (the Swedish Chamber of Commerce) are bringing up a top 100 list where Swedish women are highlighted for their competence and experience that will benefit and strengthen Board of Directors. Essentially, the initiative is aimed at creating stronger and more capable boards with a more diversified team and the same time increasing the number of women active in these positions.

Besides being on the list, Charlotta Fellman, Vice President Sales AC&D EMEA, has also been featured in the magazine called Sydsvenskt Näringsliv (Southern Sweden Business). In the magazine you can read more about the initiative, why Charlotta thinks such a list is necessary, how she feels about being on the list and which competences she can contribute with, if joining a Board of Directors.

In the article Charlotta says:
“The need of Board of Directors, where the members contributes with different competences is clear and confirmed, but as it looks like more difficult in practice. Often women are less active in the right networks; which can contribute to fewer female candidates. The initiative to highlight women with the right competences and experience is great, and I hope it will contribute to boards that are better equipped to handle current and future company challenges, with more women in the teams.”

Read the full article (in Swedish) >> 

Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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