The Perstorp Project Model for productive development
The Perstorp Project Model, PPM, a part of the work with continuous improvements within PPS, started as a site initiative. Now 150 employees have completed the education, and it’s paving its way into Perstorp’s corporate functions too.
“We can see a high increase in the amount of finalized projects on the production site in Perstorp after the introduction of PPM”, says Magnus Wickman, PPS Specialist.
PPM started as an initiative from the production site in Perstorp that would be carried out in investment projects. The project model was a success, leading to a wish for a more general model. A basic project model that would fit all types of projects was therefore developed. Today, more than 150 employees have completed the education, and Perstorp Group’s corporate functions are taking part of the education as well.
“Now we are working in the same direction, and what we all should do in the projects is clear and consistent for everyone”, Magnus Wickman says.