Five coating presentations not to miss at ECS 2013
For Perstorp sustainable solutions go beyond renewables, to include replacement and/or reduction of solvents and other toxic chemicals, as well as extended lifetime durability to lower the total environmental impact.
Three of the presentations will focus on the exciting developments and new opportunities that the Capa brings in terms of Capa for PUD leather coatings, in cross-linked coatings and as intermediates in radcure applications. The other two presentations will focus on the use Ymer to eliminate the use of solvents in PUD’s, and the use of BEPD to produce extended-life outdoor coatings.
High quality leather coatings with Capa™ in PUDs
Speaker: Malin Rex, Associate Project Manager
The presentation will focus on how Capa™ properties make it ideal for use in PUDs. The combination of excellent flexibility, very good UV resistance, good abrasion and scratch resistance makes Capa™ the perfect choice for high quality leather coatings. This presentation will be supplemented with an on-stand demonstration of Capa™ for PUD leather finishing.
Capa™ polyols for excellent properties in crosslinked coatings
Speaker: Pär Jörgensen, Specialist - Resins & Coatings
The presentation focus will be on presenting the benefits of using Capa™ polyols in coating systems cured with different crosslinkers. Capa™ polyols offer a broad range of different functionalities and molecular weights. When combined with standard acrylates, formulations with improved abrasion resistance and flexibility can be achieved together with reduced VOC.
Added value from using caprolactones as intermediates in radiation curable materials
Speaker: Paul Kelly, Radcure Applications Specialist
Radiation curable coatings and inks are versatile and environmentally friendly, relying on a wide range of formulating materials. However, there are still properties of free-radical curing and of cationic curing coatings which require improvement. The aim of this presentation is to show how performance properties such as toughness, durability, flexibility, color retention and a wide variety of resistance properties can be achieved using caprolactone and caprolactone based polyol intermediates in radiation curable formulations.
Ymer™ N120 – Is it time to change your PUD’s?
Speaker: Michael Austin, Market Development Manager, Europe (Coatings & Resins)
Perstorp will present the features and benefits of this unique non-ionic diol as a dispersion monomer in PU Dispersions. The significant move away from solvent based PUD’s should lead formulators to evaluate Ymer™ N120, as a superior, solvent-free and sustainable replacement.
BEPD – your glycol of choice for high performance polyester resins
Speaker: Henrik Bernquist, Product Manager
In this presentation, the main features and benefits of the branched aliphatic diol BEPD (2-Butyl-2-Ethyl-1,3-Propanediol) will be presented. By using BEPD (saturated or unsaturated), high solids and waterborne non-crystalline polyester systems can be developed to achieve excellent outdoor durability and hydrolysis resistant coatings. This extends the coatings life helping to reduce the overall environmental impact. To illustrate the benefits further an overview of several different potential applications will also be presented.