The next-generation non-phthalate plasticizer 

Perstorp, the global leader in pro-environment polyols, now introduces a renewable polyol ester (non-phthalate) plasticizer Pevalen™Pro. It will make flexible PVC an even more attractive choice of plastic, based on a significantly lower carbon footprint versus competing materials and technologies. Pevalen™Pro improves the sustainability of PVC without compromise on quality and performance.

Jenny Klevås, Perstorp Market Segment Manager for the polyol ester plasticizer platform, explains: “Brand owners and consumers are searching for new plastics and materials with an improved sustainable profile and low carbon footprint. We believe that flexible PVC with Pevalen™Pro is the perfect combination, being a high-performance product with a significantly better environmental footprint.”

Plasticizers are essential to flexible PVC, and the environmental attractiveness of PVC can be significantly increased by using the right plasticizer. It is in this context that Pevalen™Pro has been developed to unlock further pro-environmental gains.

Perstorp launched Pevalen™, a true non-phthalate plasticizer in 2014 as a premium performance alternative to phthalates, especially in sensitive and close-to-people applications where health concerns were and are in focus. Pevalen™ provides PVC producers with not only a cost-effective but also a low environmental impact solution, due to its:

  • plasticizingefficiency - less material required
  • faster processing - less energy
  • lowvolatility – maintainingperformance
  • high UV stability - prevents premature aging
  • unbeatablesoftness - long-lifeperformance

Unlocking the pro-environmental potential of PVC

Currently, Pevalen™ has a clear cradle-to-gate sustainability advantage over leading plasticizer competitors. As plasticizers make up a significant part of PVC (up to 40% in some applications), the potential for producers to lower their carbon footprint is already available today by using Pevalen™. This pro-environmental advantage will increase by choosing the new renewable Pevalen™Pro which initially will be available with up to 40% renewable content - with the long-term potential of becoming fully renewable.

Choosing Pevalen™Pro will be beneficial to all actors in the value chain and especially to brand owners in the main sensitive and close-to-people application areas, such as coated fabrics, artificial leather, flooring, wall covering, automotive interiors and sports and leisure products. 

Responsible sourcing and transforming to 100% renewable plasticizers

Pevalen™Pro has the same high quality and guarantees equivalent performance as Pevalen™ as it is the identical molecule. Therefore, it can be used as a direct replacement, making a product switch very easy. The renewable grades are made under the Mass Balance concept and backed by third-party ISCC Certification, which guarantees that the bio-based input is sustainably sourced and lives up to the requirements set for a more liveable future.

Future Pevalen™Pro grades will offer even higher levels of renewable content with the longer-term aim of helping Perstorp customers to transform to 100% renewable grades. Jenny Klevås concludes: Pevalen™Pro is another important step on our journey to becoming Finite Material Neutral, and with Pevalen™Pro we can help our customers to make high-performance sustainable PVC products.”

Perstorp plans to make Pevalen™Pro available on the market by the end of 2019.

Jenny Klevås

Director Global Marketing

+46 40 691 87 30

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Mass balance

An ingenious concept

The Mass balance concept allows the chemical industry to switch to renewable raw material in easy steps. We believe mass balance is a necessary strategy and intermediary step allowing industry to make the switch from fossil to renewable and recycled resources. 



Jenny Klevås

Director Global Marketing

+46 40 691 87 30

Contact me